Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Select the Baby Bedding That is Right for you

Oftentimes new parents choose baby bedding based upon its looks instead of its functionality. Unfortunately, this is not the way in which baby bedding should be chosen. Instead, a baby’s safety and comfort should be thought of first and foremost. When you begin thinking in this way, you will find that there are some things that you really should not do. This includes:

1. Do not ignore your baby’s safety. Their crib must conform to the government’s safety standards. Even so, you should still look for any parts that may be dangerous for your baby. This includes sharp corners, flimsy wheels, or slats that are more than 2.5 inches apart. So, while you may want to purchase a used crib, you need to make sure that it conforms to these rules and that it is not listed as one of the cribs that has been recalled.

2. You should never use any bedding material that your baby may be allergic to. Instead, you should use wool, cotton or another type of baby-friendly synthetic material.
3. Make sure that the baby bedding you use is not soft. Instead, your baby’s bedding should be firm. This is really important because soft baby bedding is one of the leading causes of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome).

4. Do not stuff your baby’s crib full of cushions or too many other items. In fact, the AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) will tell you that pillows, cushions and other soft items should not be left in your crib while your baby is sleeping.

5. Do not use bumper pads. Again, the AAP recommends that these also increase your baby’s risk of SIDS. If you are still stuck on the idea of using bumper pads, then make sure that they are not soft or bulky, that they are properly attached to the crib and that you cut off any extra string.

6. You need to be sure that you never use rubber sheets. These use to be quite popular as they keep things dry but you should know that they will also irritate your baby’s skin. So, today flannel-lined mattress pads are being used instead since they have been specifically designed to keep things dry without irritating your baby’s skin.

Now that you are more knowledgeable about making sure not to do certain things, you should also feel as though you are more knowledgeable about those things that you should do and those things that you should purchase for inside of your baby’s bed. If you keep these things in mind whenever you do your shopping, your baby will be safe and feel secure.
 Above information provided courtesy of baby-room-decorations.com
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Blogger Unknown said...

Don't ignore your baby because he also the most important part of your life. When ever you select the baby bedding for your baby always be good for your Angel baby.

baby bedding

March 30, 2010 at 12:09 AM  

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